Whatever component you need, you can find it on our spare parts webshop
Fast shipments
When you place an order, we will immediately pick and pack the available goods, ensuring your order is shipped as soon as possible. You will also receive real-time delivery dates, so you know where your order is and when it will arrive.
You can access your history to check past orders, allowing you to easily reorder the same parts. In addition, the web shop allows you to share your shopping cart with colleagues and create order templates.
Other useful functions include the option to:
- batch orders
- arrange repairs
- request quotes
- and submit warranty requests.
An instructional video and frequently asked questions are also available, as is the option to contact your spare parts coordinator.
Your own online team structure
By assigning colleagues a specific user role with a corresponding budget and site locations, you can create an approval flow tailored to your preference. Settings can be changed at any time, giving you the tools to:
- manage your team effectively
- control expenses
- and maintain your own administration in the web shop environment.
Visit the webshop
A complete spare parts service
In addition to the web shop, our services include:
- spare parts packages – tailor-made solutions
- consignment services – either managed by us at your site or on your behalf from a local warehouse
- repair services – extended to all electrical components
- storeroom management – easy and rapid access to a large inventory
- and inventory control – ensuring you have the optimum stock levels of appropriate parts.
Like to know more?
At Vanderlande, we avoid a one-size-fits-all approach. We’ll work closely with you to decide on the best logistic solutions for your specific needs.